James Mwangi

Founder, Climate Action Platform for Africa

James Mwangi is the founder of Climate Action Platform for Africa and Executive Director of the Dalberg Group, a global collective of impact-driven businesses that are working to build a more inclusive and sustainable world.

James was a founding member of Dalberg’s first office in New York in 2002 and played a key role in growing the firm’s early operations. In 2007, James founded Dalberg’s first Africa office in Johannesburg and subsequently oversaw the growth of the Africa region to become Dalberg’s largest. As an advisor and consultant, James’ work cuts across sectors and geographies, with his recent work focusing on leading Dalberg’s multi-year partnership with a major global foundation aimed at unlocking up to 30 million dignified jobs for African youth by 2030. As part of that work, James has worked closely with governments, business leaders and social entrepreneurs in 7 countries to systemically reorient their labour markets and education systems. His focus on the opportunities climate action offer for inclusive and sustained economic growth in Africa as result has led to him co-founding the system orchestrator and public benefit organisation Climate Action Platform for Africa in 2021.

He holds an BA Hons degree in Economics from Harvard University and is a 2021 Yale World Fellow.