Musonda Kapena

Chief Executive Officer, The Namfumu Conservation Trust

Musonda Kapena has a wealth of 20 years of local and international experience with forest communities promoting indigenous knowledge systems toward sustainable management of forest resources and environmental justice.

She is co-founder and CEO of the Namfumu Conservation Trust, an indigenous organisation working in Zambia and around the world to champion the stewardship of indigenous people in sustainable management of the environment. This augments professional qualifications in Strategic Management, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Environmental Education, Social and Environmental Safeguards International Studies and Diplomacy Studies.

The passion for indigenous knowledge systems in forest conservation and natural resource management with an emphasis on how women are custodians and stewards of indigenous knowledge, green enterprise development of non-timber forest products, sustainable forest management and global nature-based solutions, inspires Musonda Kapena in Zambia. Namfumu Conservation Trust is supported through the goodwill of private benefactors, cause-specific support and through earnings from natural resource management-based consultancy work.

On the global level, she sits as an advisor with The Landbanking Group. At national level, Musonda is Chairperson on the Zambia National Advisory Panel of The Nature-Based Solutions Project – Farmradio International among others.