Every company is trying to understand how to manage their workers’ exposure to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). As an employer and investor, CDC has access to a great deal of external guidance and good practice amongst our investees and fund managers on how to reduce their workforce exposure to COVID-19.
This document is a summary of publicly-available guidance and examples of practice adopted by some CDC Group investees and fund managers. The aim is to provide a framework of thinking that can be applied to many companies and situations, but this guidance cannot cover all circumstances and not every company will be able to benefit from all of the guidance, in particular if employees cannot work from home or practice social distancing. Furthermore, every company is different and a strategy which is suitable for one employer may not work for another.
Advice for our investee companies and fund managers
If your company or investee is facing any specific issues and would like to discuss how to handle these situations, please reach out to your ESG Impact contact.
Important note: This guidance does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for professional advice from international public health organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), national public health authorities, and national governments, which should be consulted for qualified and more detailed information. We strongly encourage our investees to seek daily updates from these sources as COVID-19 spreads/evolves.