10 September 2019

CDC Group event in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute

Job creation has always been central to CDC’s mission. It is also central to the hopes and desires of the people in the countries where CDC invests. At the same time, as a development objective, job creation presents some unique challenges. For example, we cannot understand the full impact of an investment on the wider labour market by simply measuring direct job creation. Added to this, the objective of job creation can conflict with other development priorities – for example, whilst low and lower-middle income economies urgently need to raise their productivity, raising productivity can result in fewer jobs.

To look more closely at these issues, and to explore the tensions that exist, CDC and development think tank ODI are hosting a discussion on job creation and development on the morning of Friday 27 September.

Paddy Carter and Alex MacGillivray, directors in CDC’s development impact group, will explain how CDC sees the role of job creation in the context of the SDGs, and present recent revisions to their model to understand the jobs supported by CDC’s investment. They will be joined by experts in developing countries labour markets and jobs modelling from Royal Holloway University, the University of Victoria, ODI and Steward Redqueen.

We are hoping to hear and learn from investors, development professionals, researchers and members of civil society who take an interest in these questions, so please come and share your perspective with us.

Register your interest here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/job-creation-and-development-tickets-72221208579